5 Things You Can Do To Be A Better Millennial

5. Learn More Math.


The 80’s and 90’s were filled with PSA’s and programming promoting literacy. An important trait for sure, and one that should continue to be nurtured. Be selective about what you’re reading though; the written world is just as fraught with pitfalls as any of the other media spheres. Literature isn’t immune to hacks. A Buzzfeed listicle doesn’t really count, and Divergent barely moreso. Read more non-fiction, more hard news with less opinion and speculation and just FACTS. You know what’s unbiased and strictly facts? MATH.

Millennials, take up a habit of doing numerical problems. Every day challenge your brain  with a little trigonometry, algebra, calculus, and others in that family. It wards off brain deterioration and also turns you into an analytical, practical genius…so…win-win.

4. Have a Hobby.

So few millennials regularly practice any sort of art or craft, something with a tangible result. Something that they can brag about and update people on and eventually suddenly become an expert on. Something you can develop over the years and keep you occupied when you are older. So find something and start doing it TODAY. This will reduce wasted time. What else are you going to do in your spare time? Drink and do nothing? Sit around watching television on your iPad?

Continue reading “5 Things You Can Do To Be A Better Millennial”

Tuesday Thinkpiece: Millennials and the Power of Feel-Good Music

In case you haven’t heard (and you very possibly may not have), there are a lot of terrible things happening around the world. Economic collapses, civil unrest, mass kidnappings, disease outbreaks, amongst a plethora of other unpleasant situations. Yet the world’s vitriol hasn’t been aimed at any of these recently, but at an old racist saying cartoonishly racist things.

NBA: New Orleans Hornets at Los Angeles Clippers

Let’s not display any sort of lenience to Sterling- it’s an understatement that what he said was unquestionably wrong. However the fact that this story has become the top news headline, addressed by the president, and inspired a collective hand-holding campaign is kind of a joke. This should have been a three sentence blurb in the sports section, dealt with in private. That way at least we wouldn’t get the global back-patting everyone’s giving each other now that Sterling’s been reprimanded. HEY EVERYONE WE PERSONALLY DEFEATED THE EVIL RACIST! OUR GOOD VIBES BROUGHT HIM DOWN!


Continue reading “Tuesday Thinkpiece: Millennials and the Power of Feel-Good Music”



Plated is a real neat food delivery service that brings gourmet ingredients right to your door so you can make like totally fancy food on your own! Close your eyes and imagine a box full of tiny chefs (probably either gnome or dwarf chefs) coming out and making a delicious feast for you and your friends. Now open your eyes and realize that there never were any tiny chefs, it was you all along. Plated makes it that easy. You have everything you need right there and instructions on how to make it as well. These are chef inspired recipes that sound like swanky millionaire food too. “Coffee Rubbed Steak with Roasted Pepper Panzanella”. “Fontina Polenta with Roasted Spring Vegetables”. Your friends will literally think you are an undercover chef and they will probably hold you to the ground and demand to know your secrets. That is, if your friends are anything like my friends.

Personally, my favorite aspect is that Plated use fresh, healthy, and locally produced ingredients only. Not only is it good for you but it’s good for the environment as well. And the box is biodegradable too. So you are helping the world with each bite of Plated food. Pat yourself on the back! But wait until after you are finished eating.

So like why are you even still reading this you should be ordering something from Plated right now. COME ON GO.

ok bye.

Album Grades 2014

Me and diatribes are like politicians and… diatribes. But in this post I’m just going to put the briefest of insight regarding records released this year. When I say brief, I mean it’s basically just a letter grade. If a record is particularly good or bad, that’s when I’ll start up my wordbarf machine and pump out a review.

Previous Grading Lists





Continue reading “Album Grades 2014”