Breaking Bad Broke Good

It’s a universally accepted fact that TV series Breaking Bad (2008-2013) was a critical masterpiece, and it’s an extreme minority of critics/the general populace that found any sort of glaring flaw with the program. One of the most celebrated aspects, and one that cemented its legacy, was the fact that it stuck the landing. So many shows throughout history have a stellar run and stumble either sometime in their final season or, worse, during the final episode. There also comes the dual issue of satisfying both critics and fans; shows may end appropriately but lacking an emotional punch. Breaking Bad though, ended exactly how it was supposed to.

Breaking Bad, in fact, had the best series finale of all time.

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Writing Prompt: Stream of Consciousness Exercise II

Premise: More commentary from everyone’s favorite oblivious goof.

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Weekly Fiver #10

Welcome to the Weekly Fiver, where I’ll pick five recently released songs of varying degrees of quality and thoroughly break them down for you. No two songs will be on the same tier, and they’ll be listed from best to worst. The top song will be an excellent must-hear tune, while the bottom song will be one you ought to stay away from or else you will make your ears sad. It’s all very scientific.

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Writing Prompt: Stream of Consciousness Exercise

Premise: A variety of topics opined on by a totally oblivious and problematic goofball.

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