Weekly Fiver #14

Welcome to the Weekly Fiver, where I’ll pick five recently released songs of varying degrees of quality and thoroughly break them down for you. No two songs will be on the same tier, and they’ll be listed from best to worst. The top song will be an excellent must-hear tune, while the bottom song will be one you ought to stay away from or else you will make your ears sad. It’s all very scientific.

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just tryin to be cool

Felt like drawing something for the first time in months, so here’s something. I’d love to do a comic entirely in this style but I gots no story and I gots no time.

Post inspired by this song.

Better Call Saul S03E08: “Slip”

It hasn’t yet been established how much longer we’re gonna be seeing Saul onscreen, but as seen in this episode, it doesn’t seem like we’ve got a lot more story left to tell. Jimmy‘s rediscovered the joy of using the law unethically to get out of jams and all that’s left between him and success is the rest of his suspension sentence. Theoretically everything could be in place within the next two episodes, though it’d be rushed. It’s likely that one more season should wrap things up. Spoilers follow.

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Writing Prompt: Cliffhanger

Premise: When you really can’t wait a whole year for the next season.

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Better Call Saul S03E07: “Expenses”

This is the first episode this season (and perhaps the first in the show overall) where Michael McKean’s character Chuck is not seen at all, yet the effects of his actions are felt more strongly than ever. The dust has settled after the vicious court battle and Jimmy is beginning to feel the repercussions of it pretty hard. Spoilers below.

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