Graphic Novel Review: The Sculptor by Scott McCloud

Scott McCloud’s first attempt at a full-fledged graphic novel is strangely bland; the comics theorist knows everything about the medium but for some reason this book doesn’t show that. It’s as rigid as a block of wood.

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Weekly Fiver #5

Welcome to the Weekly Fiver, where I’ll pick five recently released songs of varying degrees of quality and thoroughly break them down for you. No two songs will be on the same tier, and they’ll be listed from best to worst. The top song will be an excellent must-hear tune, while the bottom song will be one you ought to stay away from or else you will make your ears sad. It’s all very scientific.

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Writing Prompt: High School Dilemma

Premise: Just teenagers being teenagers, millennial style.

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Writing Prompt: Cop Pulls Over Millennials

Premise: A police officer pulls over a car of millennials who don’t understand the concept of driving normally.

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Weekly Fiver #4

Welcome to the Weekly Fiver, where I’ll pick five recently released  songs of varying degrees of quality and thoroughly break them down for you. No two songs will be on the same tier, and they’ll be listed from best to worst. The top song will be an excellent must-hear tune, while the bottom song will be one you ought to stay away from or else you will make your ears sad. It’s all very scientific.

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