You might have recently caught the trailer for the upcoming Peanuts movie. If not, here ya go.
A+ on the animation job, fellers. Really neat. The content itself is a little corny (the manic sidekick taking the attention away from the protagonist? Is this 1995?). That begs the question though- how are they going to make this decades-old comic relevant for millennials? Particularly since parodists such as the Simpsons, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, and like a hundred people on the internet have already mined the material and spoofed most of the aspects?
I probably sound overly critical of this, especially since no major details have been released, but the whole nostalgia adaptation craze is going a little overboard. Some properties just don’t translate to modern times. I’m also a little protective of the source material- Charlie Brown was the original animated sad-sack, after all. We’ve had some beef in the past, but there’s a begrudging respect there.