Nicholas Sparks Movies

Hey look at these Nicholas Sparks movie posters!  nicholas_sparks_posters

HA! But ok, he did switch it up twice.


But the plots must be different right?! It’s not like Nicholas Sparks reuses story devices like terminal disease or war or death in order to elicit an emotional response from the viewer??

Message in a Bottle (1999)– “Garret cannot quite forgive Catherine for dying and leaving him.” AND “He informs her that his son Garret has died at sea in a storm”

A Walk to Remember (2002)“Jamie confesses to Landon that she has terminal leukemia”  AND “Jamie passed away shortly after”

The Notebook (2004)-  “Noah returns home from the war” AND “Allie, who is suffering from dementia” AND “The next morning a nurse finds that they have died peacefully together.”

Nights in Rodanthe (2008)- “Unfortunately, Paul has been killed in a flash mudslide.”

Dear John (2010)- “John re-enlists. After four more years and many missions, while waiting to receive orders on his unit’s next deployment” AND “Tim’s fight against lymphoma” AND …Tim died after two months”.

The Last Song (2010)- “Steve rushed to a hospital and learns that he has stomach cancer” AND “…he dies just as she finishes it”

The Lucky One (2012)- “Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) is a U.S. Marine serving his third tour of duty in Iraq” AND “…since the death of Beth’s brother, Drake”.

Safe Haven (2013)- “Alex’s wife died of cancer a few years prior.”

The Best of Me (2014)- “…Dawson’s best friend’s wife was pregnant when he died” AND “Amanda is presumably still broken up over Dawson’s death”.

(Spoilers above, btw)

Kinda weird that a post about romance movies is the most morbid, dark post I’ve ever written up. Nicholas Sparks, you endearing, tender man.

By the way, I thought for sure that this was a Sparks film as well but turns out it’s not.


Can you blame me?

Edit on March 29th, 2015:

URGENT UPDATE: There is a new Nicholas Sparks movie coming out. Let’s look at the poster!


It’s kind of different! Although this might be only because that is the cowboy equivalent of lady face touching. The novel cover gets a little closer:


But it’s still a departure from our usual pose! Looks like our boy Sparks is expanding his palette; I’ll update later with a plot synopsis to see if he’s made tweaks to the plot formula as well. Just have to wait for the movie to come out for the wikipedia entry to be updated.

Linkin Park + 30 Seconds to Mars @ Air Canada Centre

Here’s a more historically accurate (and properly spelled) rendition of everyone’s favorite band to be angsty to.


By the way, did you hear that Jared Leto has his own brand of chili? Two big scoops of beans.


This is Just a Miscellaneous Collection of Mash-Ups

These, among others, can all be found on my Deviantart page, but I’m putting them here too, because I wanna. I hope that doesn’t BOTHER you.

breakingbackgroundinstagramdbzbackgroundinstagram breakingbrosinstagram WALKINGBREADinstagram gadgetinstagram arthur_background_instagram

The Seven Types of Girls You Will Find on Tinder

In the name of gender equality I decided to do a little investigation to balance out my other trip down the Tinderhole. Here are my findings on the ladies of Tinder.

Continue reading “The Seven Types of Girls You Will Find on Tinder”