Author: D-Man
Year End Music Countdowns #8: 2009
The Top 50 Songs of the 1990’s
So, I kinda felt like doing this now. It’s a compilation of my personal favorites from 1990-1999.
To be honest, this list will be sacrilege to many. There’s barely any grunge, most of the big guns are missing, and overall it does not really display the true spirit of the decade.
But whatever, if you want something comprehensive (read: predictable), go see MTV or Muchmusic’s lists or something. There you will get your fix of Nirvana/Pearl Jam/Oasis/Chilis/etc. This is not to say that those bands aren’t great, or added tremendously to the tapestry of modern rock, it’s just that they’re on
I’m not saying that my list is in any way revolutionary or unique or OUT THERE, it’s just what I, you know, like.
Year End Music Countdowns #7: 2008
While I’m not totally disappointed with 2008, it was definitely no 2007. Next year looks awesome though.
Anyway, to the point.
Year End Music Countdowns #6: 2007
I don’t know how I didn’t realize this when it was happening, but last year was AWESOME when it came to new rock. This leads me to the theory that awesome music comes out on odd years.
Anyway, here are the best of last year: