All the pundits be punding about Solo, the latest film in the Star Wars franchise, and they’re being willfully obtuse regarding its underwhelming performance at the box office. “How could this be!?”, they exclaim, speculating about all the different reasons it ONLY got $100 MILLION DOLLARS on the weekend.
Year: 2018
Protected: birthday
Wrap-Up Report April 2018
April may not have been a stellar month for music, but at least it was interesting. A few disappointments, a few left fielders, and a few headscratchers made for a noteworthy thirty days.
Wrap-Up Report March 2018
march not very good for music maybe april be better but ok lets read about march for now.
Does Anyone Do Anything Anymore?
Here is a non-exhaustive collection of headlines proclaiming various industries and institutions to be either in decline or on the verge of collapse. Whether or not these headlines are hyperbolic to get ~the clicks~ is not the point. The point is: is there anything AT ALL on the upswing? What do people – particularly young people – do?
Is everyone turning Dutch?