The Seven Types of Girls You Will Find on Tinder

In the name of gender equality I decided to do a little investigation to balance out my other trip down the Tinderhole. Here are my findings on the ladies of Tinder.

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Morrissey- World Peace is None of Your Business



It’s been 5 years since Years of Refusal, the last album Morrissey released, and in that time I dived deep into his and the Smiths’ back catalogue, so that this was the first album of his I was eagerly anticipating. I kept telling myself that I would love it no matter what, because Morrissey’s flair for melodrama seemed to flow from an endless well and I’d be able to relate to his overstated misery.

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Spike Jonze’s “Her” comes out on DVD/ Blu-Ray today. I think it was an alright movie, but I wasn’t really a fan of Joaquin Phoenix’s character. Ted Twombly was kind of beta and ineffectual. I really feel that the movie would have been a lot more interesting if it had been real man Ron Swanson in the starring role.

The Six Types of Guys You Will Find on Tinder

My sister recently showed me the Tinder game on her phone because I had no idea what it was. Turns out it’s a really boring game where you sort people. It got really gruelling after a while because there were only six types of guys I noticed and the levels take a really long time to beat. I don’t think I got past level one. Suffice it to say that I will probably not be getting this game for my phone, mostly because my phone cannot download games, or anything. Though I am curious how the female contingent looks. UPDATED: This is how the female contingent looks.

Anyway. Here are the six types of guys on Tinder.

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