Solid month for tunes this June was, wrapping up an uneven but overall first half of the year. Let’s explore.
Category: Tunes Talk
Halfway Report June 2018
June has been an extremely busy month for music, so I’m dumping a whole lotta opinion at the halfway mark. Of course this means if the second half is dry I’ll have nothing to talk about at the end but that is mostly unlikely as I will always find something to gripe about, always.
Wrap-Up Report May 2018
What happened in the month of May? Kanye had some things to say. There were songs that were OK. And some that were not OK.
Wrap-Up Report April 2018
April may not have been a stellar month for music, but at least it was interesting. A few disappointments, a few left fielders, and a few headscratchers made for a noteworthy thirty days.
Wrap-Up Report March 2018
march not very good for music maybe april be better but ok lets read about march for now.