Ok, here are Beck’s best tunes:
Ok, here are Beck’s best tunes:
Welcome to a special all-Canadian
The group’s final show on August 20th, 2016 proved this. Broadcast on the CBC, it drew an astounding 11.7 million viewers/listeners – a third of the country’s population – and that didn’t even account for viewing parties with multiple people in attendance. Even ardent detractors tuned in to watch at some point specifically because of the communal experience of the event. Can you imagine a Canadian purposely skipping the last Tragically Hip show ever? Inconceivable! It would be like turning down the last Tim Horton’s donut ever produced, or not wanting a moose as a pet. Willingly cutting yourself out of a generation’s historic moment…. basically tantamount to treason. This was a bandwagon with plenty of room, not unlike hockey games at the Olympics. Those who can’t name three NHL teams will gladly paint themselves red and white every four years. (Incidentally, the only Canadian broadcast that drew more viewers was the 2010 Canada vs. USA hockey game).
The Tragically Hip were Canada: The Band. They were essentially wholly contained within the country; bands like Rush or Nickelback may have crossed over into international fame, but they just didn’t embody the country’s lifeblood like the Hip did. So please keep the aforementioned in mind when reading through this list. It’s far from comprehensive, and shouldn’t even be considered as a literal countdown. It’s merely a sample of a catalogue that has been woven into the fabric of a nation.
OK, here’s yer list: